Winged Pharoah, Joan Grant
Death of Ivan Illych, Tolstoy
Cats Cradle, Vonnegut
Get Well Naturally Linda Clark
La Trahison des clercs, Julien Benda (The Treason of the Intellectuals, 1928)
Young American Poets Paul Carroll
Tapestries in Sand, D. Villasenor
More Than Human, Theodore Sturgeon
Favorite Game, Cohen
Mother Night, Vonnegut
Three Christs of Ypsilanti, M Rokeach
Fellowship of the Ring, Tolkein
Daybreak, Joan Baez
Laughing Boy, Oliver LaFarge
Scientific Healing Affirmations, Paramahansa Yogananda
The Devils, Tolstoy
The Other One, Colette
Death on the Installment Plan, Celine
The Maids, Genet
Religions of Mankind, H.J. Schoeps
The Castle, Kafka
Politics of Ecstasy, Timothy Leary
Zen Flesh Zen Bones, ed Paul Reps
Balinese Character, M. Mead, G. Bateson
Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan
The Movies, Griffith/Mayer
The Talkies, Blum
Mohammedanism, Gibb
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, Buckminster Fuller
Manual of Zen Buddhism
Poets of Today, ed Lowenfels
Wilhelm Reich, biography, Ilse D. Reich
The Tarot, Paul Foster Case
Our Brothers Keeper, ed. Edgar S. Kahn
Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies, E. Clark
Navaho Folk Tales, Newcomb
Man’s Rise to Civilization: Shown by North American Indians, Peter Farb
Demian, Herman Hesse
Guide to India
Astrology, Louis MacNiece
Nature, Man & Woman, A Watts
Indian Talk, Iron Eyes Cody
Patterns of Culture, Ruth Benedict *
The Chakras: a Monography, A.W.Leadbeater
Painless Childbirth, Marjorie Karmel
Letters of Aldous Huxley
Book of the Hopi, Frank Waters
Tennessee Williams, biography
Three Trumpets Sound (Gandhi, Schweitzer, Kagawa), Hunter
Gandhi biogs
Lead Kindly Light, Vincent Shean
Teachings of Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda
The Book, Stephen Gaskin
What Vedanta Means to Me, Yale/Shean
Monday Night Class transcripts
Bible (again)
Meditation: a Practical Study, Adelaide Gardner
The Age of Dinosaurs, Bjorn Kurten
Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan
Myths of the Rhine, Saintine
Through an Eastern Window, Jack Huber
Handbook of Architecture
Ramakrishna and His Disciples, Christopher Isherwood
Listening with the Third Ear, Theodore Reik
Tantric Mysticism in Tibet, John Blofeld
Food for Thought, Vedanta Society
Studies in Islamic Mysticism, R.A. Nicholson
Indians of the Americas, John Collier
The Four-Chambered Heart, Anais Nin
The Age of Reptiles
Commentaries on Living, Krishnamurti (3rd Series)
Architecture: Alvar Aalto; Bernard Maybeck,
Mies Van der RoheLe Corbusier,Philip Johnson
The Fratricides, Nikos Kazantzakis
Bizarre Architecture, Charles Jencks
Daydream Houses of California, Jencks
Modern Chairs in Production
Buildings and Projects, James Stirling
Video Primer, Robinson
Soft Machine, Burroughs